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写一个C程序,打印“ Tutorials Point ”,不使用分号

写一个C程序,打印“ Tutorials Point ”,不使用分号



int printf(const char *format , ...)

This method returns an integer and has a set of arguments format and … . The format is a string that is printed in the output screen. And the … is the additional number of arguments that are given to the function based on the string.

The funnctions return the total number of character that is to be printed on the screen.

Using this we can find ways to bypass the use of end of line statement while printing the statement. We can use some statements that do not require the end of LINE statement to execute like the for loop. We can use this to print are set a statement without using the semicolon.

There are several methods by which we can print statement without using the semicolon;

Using the if condition

int main() {
   if (printf("Tutorials point") )
   { }

Using the switch statement

int main() {
   switch (printf("Tutorials point") )
   { }

Using the while loop

int main() {
   while (printf("Tutorials point") )
   { }


#define Out printf("Tutorials point")
int main() {
   switch (out)
   { }
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